One Room Challenge - Week 1

I am so excited to announce I will be participating in the Spring 2019 One Room Challenge! I have been following this biannual challenge for years and have always wanted to join. This year was the perfect storm for joining, having just moved into a new home that needs lots of renovating and having the ideal project to attack - my guest bathroom. We did a pretty major renovation right away, overhauling the main living area and kitchen, so needless to say my budget is pretty tight for this one. But when budgets are low, the need for creativity is high, so I thought it would be a great endeavor to share!

If you are not familiar with the ORC, it was the creation of blogger Linda Weinstein back in 2011. Seeking motivation to complete one room in her home, she sought the support of a small group of online friends and challenged them to also complete one room in their homes in 6 weeks. Eight years and thousands of rooms later, this has become one of the most anticipated events in the design community. Every April and October, design enthusiasts participate in this 6 week challenge and share weekly updates with their followers, with the big reveal on week 6. Sounds fun, right?!?

Now let me share a little bit about the project I will be submitting. Like I mentioned, we recently purchased our home in September, 2018. It is one of the most unique homes I have ever come across, which is the main reason my husband and I fell in love with it. It was built in 1982 by an architect who had an affinity for ships and designed it to feel as if you are actually in one. In this 2-story structure, the living area and kitchen are located on top and the staterooms (bedrooms) are located below deck on the bottom floor. The unique architecture, wall-to-wall windows and nautical motifs accentuate the ship-like feeling of the home. There are even 2 mermaids carved into one of the wood beams in the ceiling. Like I said, it is definitely unique!

When it comes to renovating this home, it is a fine balance of keeping the intended integrity of the design, but doing it a way that is current, timeless and a little bit understated. I had formulated a pretty specific vision for the home the very first time we viewed it. We came home from the open house and I filled a Pinterest board with ideas that night. After showing my husband my vision, we put an offer on the house the next day.

The first projects we tackled after receiving the keys, were to replace the floors upstairs and paint the walls a nice bright white. We also painted the kitchen cabinets and family room built-ins in Benjamin Moore Black Jack. New quartz kitchen counters, lighting and a farmhouse sink were also on the list. I knew my next project would be the upstairs guest bath, but having just finished all the other renovations we needed a bit of a break. Then I saw the call for the ORC and thought, why not?

This is what the bathroom looks like in its current state:



Outdated finishes & lack of vision

So here are the items on my list for this renovation:

  1. Remove and replace vanity top and backsplash

  2. Paint existing vanity

  3. Add hardware to vanity & new faucet

  4. Install towel ring

  5. New mirror

  6. New light fixture

  7. Custom shelves for tall, narrow window

  8. Paint tile floor

  9. Area rug

  10. Art & accessories


My vision for this guest bath is to bring in a cohesive color palette of charcoal and white with accent colors of coral and blue. The vanity will be painted with Benjamin Moore Black Jack. This is what I used for my kitchen renovation and I’m pretty sure I have enough to complete this project. Yay for the budget! The fixtures will be replaced in an antique brass finish, which looks amazing next to Black Jack. The mirror will be round, which fits the space better, and in a warm wood finish. The biggest, and scariest project will be painting the existing tile floor. It is definitely not in the budget to replace right now, so I am willing to give this a try. I have watched numerous videos on the subject and it seems fairly easy. I will let you know how THAT goes!! Another project I am thinking of is adding shelves to the awkward, narrow window. I am still formulating a plan for those, so you will have to stay tuned to see what I come up with. Lastly, I will be adding color and texture with art, accessories and an area rug.


Can I get it all done in 6 weeks? I have a schedule for each week of what I want to accomplish, so I’m pretty sure I can do it. Check back each Thursday to see the progress and the big reveal will be on May 6. Also, be sure to go to the One Room Challenge site to see what the other participants are up to! Now I have to get to work, so see you next week!

Target's new collaboration with Chip & Joanna Gaines

This last Saturday, I was doing a little shopping at my local Target and noticed a huge tent set up at the back of the store. You could hear all kinds of shuffling, mumbling and laughing going on behind the secrecy of the tent. I was so curious as to what was going on in there, I tried to find an opening to take a peek. I caught a disapproving glance from a Target employee who saw what I was trying to do, so I abandoned my effort and went on with my shopping.

The next morning I was basking in the glory of gaining an extra hour from the end of Daylight Savings when I got this text from my daughter "I bet the tent at Target was the Joanna Gaines stuff. It launches today!" 

You see, we have been discussing the launch of this collaboration for several weeks now. With the popularity of their show, Fixer Upper, it was only a matter of time before Target jumped on the bandwagon and featured their product in their stores. So, with mild curiosity, I decided to leave the comfort of my pajamas and head on down to Target to see what the fuss was about. 

I entered the parking lot at approximately 8:15 a.m., 15 minutes after the doors opened. There were a smattering of cars, but not what I would call overly full. I really thought there would be more people, so maybe all the hype was just that, a bunch of hype. Even as I went inside, I only spotted a few other customers in the store. Great, I thought, I will get to view the goods without a bunch of other shoppers getting in my way.

I grabbed a cart, not that I was really intending to buy anything, but wanted to be prepared just in case. I made my way to the back of the store where I had seen the tent the day before. All of a sudden I started to hear a mild humming, like a swarm of bees in the distance. As I got closer, the humming turned into voices, the voices of approximately 50 frantic, giddy shoppers piling home decor products into their carts. I quickly realized that the store was not empty, they all just happened to be in one department, the Chip & Joanna Gaines Hearth & Hand department.

It was sheer pandemonium! Items were being ripped off the shelves at record pace, shoppers with two and three carts per person, piled high with candles, blankets and vases. I had never seen anything like it. Before I knew it I got caught up in the action as well. I don't know if it was the attractive home decor at ridiculously low prices that got me, or the competitive nature of what was happening. I spotted a shopper ogling a Christmas wreath, the last one on the shelf, and out of nowhere I grabbed it and threw it into may cart! Sorry lady, you snooze you lose (and if that was you at the Roseville Target Sunday morning, my sincere apologies).

Twenty minutes later I'm standing in the checkout line, dazed and confused. I can't even remember putting all of these things in my cart, but there they were, smugly staring back at me. Do I really need these Christmas kitchen towels? Or this balsam spice candle in the galvanized tin (that by the way smells exactly like a walk through a forest)?. Yes, yes I do!! The lady in front of me had three carts full, so I didn't feel quite so bad.

I made it home with my wares and sheepishly carried all my bags into the house. "Just going to check it out, huh?" my husband says with the faintest hint of sarcasm in his voice. "I needed to do some research for the blog"  I said ;)

I'm not sure what is left from the collection, but this is what made it into my cart:

This is the wreath I stole from the unsuspecting shopper. Sorry, not sorry!

This is the wreath I stole from the unsuspecting shopper. Sorry, not sorry!

I got this for my new granddaughter. My grandson's stocking is solid green so this will coordinate perfectly!

I got this for my new granddaughter. My grandson's stocking is solid green so this will coordinate perfectly!

The aforementioned balsam spice candle in galvanized tin (that smells exactly like a walk through a forest)

The aforementioned balsam spice candle in galvanized tin (that smells exactly like a walk through a forest)

I am actually always on the hunt for simple gold frames for styling bookcases. I might go buy more of these!

I am actually always on the hunt for simple gold frames for styling bookcases. I might go buy more of these!

See, I couldn't put them back! And for any family member reading this, do not use these for cleaning purposes. These are just for hanging in the kitchen and looking cute!!

See, I couldn't put them back! And for any family member reading this, do not use these for cleaning purposes. These are just for hanging in the kitchen and looking cute!!

I love tall vases like these anytime of year for displaying branches. But at Christmas, I will use evergreen cuttings!

I love tall vases like these anytime of year for displaying branches. But at Christmas, I will use evergreen cuttings!

Ok, I kind of love this taper candleholder! It will be great for the holidays filled with greenery, but you can mix it up the rest of the year with other things.

Ok, I kind of love this taper candleholder! It will be great for the holidays filled with greenery, but you can mix it up the rest of the year with other things.

I am seeing black candles everywhere lately instead of the usual white. I'm a fan!

I am seeing black candles everywhere lately instead of the usual white. I'm a fan!

I did manage to get one Christmas gift off my list. Hopefully my grandson doesn't see this (I know he's only 3, but he's pretty computer savvy).

I did manage to get one Christmas gift off my list. Hopefully my grandson doesn't see this (I know he's only 3, but he's pretty computer savvy).

So, here are my final thoughts on this highly anticipated collection. My design aesthetic leans more towards Bohemian chic than modern farmhouse, but there were plenty of things that blended quite nicely with my design style. In fact, if you are just looking for some basic filler pieces, at a great price point, you will probably find some things that work for you too. The simplistic nature of their collection will work with most design styles, including modern, industrial, traditional and of course their mainstay modern farmhouse. I think the reason they are so popular is they have tapped into what everyone wants for their home, a warm, beautiful place to share and create memories with the ones you love.  

I would love to hear if anyone else braved the crowds for the big launch. Let me know your thoughts and what you purchased in the comments!


Need help with a decorating project? Let's get started today! 

3 tips for perfectly placed artwork

Hanging artwork is something I get asked about all the time. It is also one of the biggest decorating mistakes I see on a regular basis. When hung correctly, artwork can dramatically change the look and feel of a room. It injects color, personality and completes the space. If hung incorrectly, however, things can feel disjointed and out of sorts. It's like wearing the wrong pair of shoes with an otherwise stunning outfit - devastating!

So follow these 3 tips and make your walls WOW instead of WOOPS:

1. How Big - In artwork, size really does matter (insert your own joke here). It matters in relation to where it is being placed, whether above an anchoring piece or on a blank wall. Just remember the rule of thirds, which is most pleasing to the human eye. So whether it is a single piece of art, or a grouping, the overall area should be roughly 2/3 the width of the anchoring piece or 2/3 the width of the blank wall.

2.  How High - Just like a perfectly hemmed pair of pants, artwork needs to be hung at the appropriate height in relation to an anchoring piece of furniture, or the floor if hanging on a blank wall. The biggest mistake I see is hanging artwork too high (think about a pair of pants that are hemmed to short). 

3.  How Far - When hanging a grouping of art, keep it tight. A good rule of thumb is 2" - 3" apart. This may fluctuate depending on the different shapes you are using, but closer together is always better.

And just so you can keep these tips handy the next time you need to hang some artwork, I have created a cheat sheet with all the info for you. Just sign up for my newsletter, Stylish Solutions, and it will be sent right to your inbox. You're welcome! 

How to fall back in love with your home

Photo by hikesterson/iStock / Getty Images
Photo by hikesterson/iStock / Getty Images

Do you ever feel like you get so bogged down with day-to-day life that you maybe don't show enough appreciation to those around you? A simple thank you for a job well done or being grateful for their love and support? I sometimes think we do this with our homes as well. We start taking them for granted, wishing they had this or that and wondering if we might just start looking for another place to call home. But what if your home had feelings too. What if your home could tell you “Hey, this isn’t a one-sided relationship here. What have you done for me lately?” Hmm, puts a whole different perspective on it doesn’t it? You once loved your home and thought it was perfect for you and now you are ready to kick it to the curb for a younger, newer model. Ouch, that hurts! Let me tell you, it is not too late to fall back in love with your home. The best way to show your home some love is to really listen to what it is trying to tell you. I know it can’t actually talk, but if it could, it might sound something like this:

Does all this clutter make my butt look big?  Awww, your home is feeling a little self-conscious about all the clutter everywhere. And can you blame her? How can anyone see her beautiful bone structure hiding behind all that stuff. Having a plan of attack will make it easier to get started. If you can commit to just 10 minutes a day of de-cluttering, you would be amazed how quickly you can turn your home around. Pick a place to start, put 10 minutes on the timer and go! And here’s another trick I like to use. Box up everything that you want to donate and put it in the trunk of your car. You won’t be able to buy anything new until you make space in your trunk by dropping off your donations. Ha, sneaky right?

I see you looking at all those model homes! What do they have that I don’t have? You think your home doesn’t know you’ve been traipsing around on the weekends ogling all those beautiful model homes? She feels it when you come home with that disappointed look on your face knowing she will never be like those newer, fancier homes you’ve been looking at. But maybe you could use those model homes as a source of inspiration, a way to bring home some ideas to spruce up your house and make it feel fresh again. Look to model homes for inspiration on paint color, window treatment ideas, furniture arrangement and accessories. Then you can come home and say “I saw a lovely shade of gray in this model home I was just at, but I think it would be even prettier on you. What do you say, shall we do a little painting this weekend?”

You don’t bring me flowers anymore!  Did you just sing that?? Well, when was the last time you brought home flowers, just because? You don’t have to have a reason other than a beautiful bouquet of flowers will always make your home feel fresher. Even an inexpensive bouquet from the grocery store, when cut and put into a pretty vase, can brighten any room. Your home will love you for it.

We never have friends over.  Are you embarrassed of me?  Having a little get-together is a fantastic motivator to get your house in order. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy, a little cocktail party with drinks and appetizers will do. Set the scene with some lit candles and a little mood music. Pull out your best china and cloth napkins to make it feel extra special. Put something on your calendar each month so you will have the motivation to keep your home looking at its best all the time. Your home wants to put on that little black dress and party, don’t deny her this!

Hey, I’m over here! Can you please get off Pinterest for 5 minutes and pay some attention to ME? We are all guilty of it, spending hours and hours on the Internet, gathering ideas and making plans. We have the best  of intentions, pinning all those cute projects and decorating ideas, but do we ever actually get around to implementing any of them. Take a look through your Pinterest boards and pick one thing you can complete this weekend that will be easy, affordable and inspirational. Let your home know that all that time on the Internet was not a waste, you just wanted to do something nice for her.

All I do for you and you don’t appreciate any of it. I don’t know why I even try! The truth is, there is no perfect home. We can spend all our time wishing for something that our home will never be, or we can appreciate and give gratitude for everything that it is. It is a shelter from the elements, a roof over our heads, even though the roof may be leaking in a few spots. It is a place to make memories with family and loved ones, a refuge from a bad day at work and a safe place to dream big dreams. It is a place to cultivate our creativity and weave a story only we can tell. For everything my home isn’t, I’m so thankful for all that it is. She has never let me down, although at times I may have let her down. I have watched my children grow up here, celebrated holidays, birthdays and so many parties just because. Now I see my grandson running down the hallway to my husband’s office yelling “Pop Pop” and I know my house is smiling as big as I am. Yep, I love this old house and she knows it!